
March 20, 2017

It’s Not Fair

Every parent has heard this:  “It’s not fair!!!” and it’s a million and one things this statement can be a response to:  being told to go to bed early, or that they can’t play video games, or have a friend over, etc.  Recently I heard my son say this in reaction to seeing pictures of a friend and her family at Walt Disney World.  I looked at him and said, “Your right.  It’s not fair.  Because that little boy you see there, may NEVER have another chance to go back to Disney.”

Beckett WyattThe boy in reference is the son of my friend and he has Stage 4 Ewings Sarcoma cancer.  He had been battling it for months when they were finally able to take a trip to Disney.  And even on the flight to Florida, he had complications with a new drug he was taking and quickly had to be taken to the hospital upon arrival rather than getting to go straight to the resort for family fun.  “It’s not fair,” that a fun time had to be interrupted by another hospital stay.  But true to his spirit, this sweet 9-year-old boy, named Beckett Wyatt made the best of it and a fabulous family fun time was had after rebounding in the hospital.

I’ve prayed and prayed for this little boy and his family.  It “hits close to home” when you have children near the same exact age.  I’ve prayed for a miracle.  But God said, “It’s not my will.”  I prayed again and again for a miracle.  But again and again, God came back to say, “It is not my will.”   And I became like a two year old, having a tantrum and stamping my foot declaring, “It’s not fair.”  Just as I act the child, I rest assured I have a loving Heavenly Father.  A parent will lovingly tell a child “No” for all sorts of various reasons… often being that the parent simply “knows best”… “No, you cannot touch the hot stove, you will get burned, etc.”

I believe in a loving God and while there are those who would say, “How can He be so loving if He is snuffing the life of this child so soon?” I can only offer to others and trust that He in His ultimate Wisdom knows what’s best.  Not everything on this earth is meant to be understood.  If it were, then there would be no need for faith.

Just like a child who after throwing a tantrum is left with her own thoughts, I think through the recent months past.  The months in which during this unthinkable time, the Wyatt family has had a village to come around them, to love them, to support them.  To offer experiences for Beckett to enjoy while they themselves work out the details for the family.  These past months, Beckett has been truly living life to the fullest of his ability, thanks to this village of love.  And he has been a radiant “light” to all of those around him.  He seems to touch hearts wherever he goes.  He has been upbeat and positive and even when his own mother would start to give in to the grief of what her son was going through… he would perk up and say, “Mom, we’ve got this!”  When I think about the whole situation, it seems that God knew (and why wouldn’t He?) that Beckett would be this God-loving, upbeat Warrior for Christ.

When selecting someone to carry out a task, a military officer will likely choose the one that he feels best capable of completing that task.  A CEO at a corporation will select his “best person” to carry out a task for the company that might improve profits.  Over and again in this life there are examples of the best of the best being selected to carry out important tasks.  I tend to think that Beckett was selected by God to carry this burden of this rare form of cancer.  He knew Beckett to be a Warrior.  He knew Beckett to NOT give up!  Through it all, Beckett has made a huge impact on his local community and extending well beyond those boundaries… bringing more awareness for the low funding of Childhood Cancer Awareness and more awareness of this rare form of cancer called Ewings Sarcoma.  God knows what He is doing.  I trust that.  I’ve seen a lot of positive from Beckett’s journey.  Yet, in my childlike way… my heart just aches and I still want to whine and cry, “It’s not fair!”

Beckett’s journey is now complete.  He went to be with the Lord this earlier this afternoon.  God’s work through him must be complete.  The impact that Beckett has made on people’s lives will be one that lasts for some time to come.  I know he has had an impact on my life, yet I never met him “in person”.  His upbeat spirit kept him fighting and he was always quick to lift others up, to pray for other kids on the same hospital floor and to offer humor and a laugh for those around him.  He is one who will not be forgotten by those who truly knew him closely.  Always keen to do some dance moves…. I like to think he’s dancing with Jesus now with no more pain.  May the Holy Spirit comfort his family with love during this time and until they meet again in heaven.  Rest in peace, sweet Beckett.

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